Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I know I havent posted in like a month so I am sorry for that. I have been really busy with school and now that I just finishied my summer semester I am going to get caught up on the blog. Here's what you have missed!!!

We went to Texas twice this summer. Here is our first trip.
This is where C.J. proposed. It's a cliff that over looks the San Gabriel River. Every time we go back to Austin we go visit this spot.
Papa and Jaysa
Jaysa loves to play with the waterfall in the pool.

When I just have to get something done, I put Jaysa in the tub and turn the water on this keeps her entertained for quit a while. She really loves it.
C.J. and his sister Kajsa with her baby Brecklyn.

Papa and his two favorite grand babies!

Nana came home from the ROT Rally Austin has every year with these cute matching outfits for the babies, SO Cute! She has one that matches too.
Brecklyn and Jaysa
They have lot of fun playing together.
Jaysa loved playing with these glasses, but not so much when I put them on her face. She took some good pictures though.
My cute girl
Brecklyn and mom Kajsa

Down town after the Rot Rally.
C.J. went with his Dad to the Rot Rally. They said they were the only bike with two guys on it.

Uncle Kade and Jaysa

At the lake with the Brosie's
C.J. is getting better at wake boarding. I still refuse to go since I could walk the day after last time I tried to wake board.
Me and C.J.

We went to the Oasis after our day on the lake with Jason and Bree.

We always go while the sun is setting so we can get pictures. We were a little late this time.


. said...

YAY! You finally posted!! :) I miss you guys and can't wait to see you!

Natalie and Ryan said...

Looks like you've been pretty busy!!! I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!