Mac and Cheese is one of Jaysa's favorite meals! She gets so dirty though I always have to give her a bath afterwards so I only give it to her when I am really desprate to get something done.

She Loves choclate pudding too but this is even worse than the Mac and Cheese
This is Jaysa's little corner. We have arranged the couches so that we can keep all her toys in one spot. It helps keep the house cleaner and she loves having her own little area.

Jaysa also loves to climb. I have caught her standing on the keys of this little toy piano. She is so crazy.
Christmas presents for the Grandparents
This year for the Grandparentswe had Jaysa paint on some glass Christmas ornaments that had a picture of her inside. She had alot of fun with the paint

She really didn't want my help. She kept pulling her hand away but I didn't want her to get paint in her mouth so I helped her paint the ornaments.

The ornaments really turned out cute but Jaysa was a mess after!
We had to wash her off twice. Once after she was done with the green paint and after she was done with the red paint. She got it in her mouth several times
We flew down to Texas this year again for christmas and have been enjoying a few weeks off from work. Here is what we have been doing here so far.
We went to a little feeding store down the road that had baby chicks for sale. Jaysa loved looking at the chicks
When I caught one so she could touch it the first thing she did was give it a kiss and then pull out some of its fluff. Ha Ha poor chicken
Christmas Morning
Look at Jaysa's face! she is deciding if she like Santa or not.
C.J had to pull down his beard so that she could see it was him. After she knew it was her Dad she calmed down.

Opening Presents
Jaysa got a little dog that moves and barks at her.
Some animal puppets
She loves this toy. She always tries to get the little shapes inside the ball. She has gotten a few.

She got a ball and some books and baby legs and baby einstein videos. She got some great toys for Christmas.
I know this picture is blurry but her face is so cute!
Since we have been down here C.J. has already gone hog hunting with Eli once and plans to go again next week. This really is a crazy experience. Eli (the biggest cowboy you will ever meet) takes about 5 of his dogs out with them. He lets the dogs loose and they go find a hog and corner it till the boys can get to it. Eli calls it "bayin' em up" When the boys get there one grabs its back legs and another stabs it. Its hard for me to imagine C.J. stabbing a pig but he loves it. These hogs are very mean and dangerous. A lot of Eli's dogs get cut up in the process. Last time one got its chest ripped open and another got its throat sliced open. Eli takes his dogs home after the hunt and sew's them all up. The one that got his throat sliced open died though. Poor Eli tears up about it when he talks about it.
This is Dominic Brosie C.J. Ryan Brady and Fern. Fern and Brady are my sister-in-laws Father and brother. Ryan is C.J. brother and Dominic is Ryan's friend.
They caught four pigs and brought them all home so we could smoke them and eat them
When Jaysa started reaching for the pig I started screaming. She actually did get a good grip on it but at least it wasn't the bloody part. Thats so gross. I came right in a washed her hands.
It's starting to get cold out here. Jaysa looks so cute in Nana's beanie
C.J. has also taken some cute pictures on his iphone so as soon as I can I will get those up.
C.J. has also taken some cute pictures on his iphone so as soon as I can I will get those up.
looks like you guys are having a wonderful holiday season. cute idea for the Christmas ornaments.and as always jaysa looks way cute in all the pictures.
It's about time!!!!!!!!! :) I miss you guys so much! I can't wait to see you three! We LOVE YOU!
You should submit Jaysa's pictures to baby Gap. She has the cutest facial expressions! Love y'all and miss you!
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