Brain brought over some balloons for Jaysa for Valentines. She was so excited when she woke up and found them. She played with them for the longest time.
For Valentines Day we went to this really nice big house our friend was house sitting with Brain, Shelbie, Aaron, Jess and Judd and Liz. We had dinner, sat in the hot tub, played hide and seek and then spent the night. It was such a fun Valentines day!
This is what C.J. got me for Valentines
A few days before Valentines I was telling C.J. how much I wanted this thing I saw at Roberts Arts and Crafts (my favorite store ever!) He ended up buying it for me and I LOVE it! it looks so cute up on my shelves! I got C.J. a fishing pole a new fishing pole for Valentines. Now that it is getting warm him, Brian and Aaron have been going fishing two or three times a week and plan to enter a Bass Fishing Tournament here in St. George.
C.J's true love in life :) jk
Jaysa loves, loves loves! blueberries
She eats them every morning for breakfast. She would eat the while carton if I would let her!
We have taken Jaysa to the playground before but she was really young. This was Jaysa's first time on the playground being able to walk and explore.
We had to show her how to do everything but I think she enjoyed it.
After a while she started to have fun!

She loved the slides! I want to get one of those little orange and blue slides you put in the back yard because she loved it so much.
She loved the slides! I want to get one of those little orange and blue slides you put in the back yard because she loved it so much.
She really like swinging too! She was so relaxed when we were swinging I thought she was going to fall asleep.

This is so Jaysa! She loves to put things "where they go" While we were at the park we went to walk on the bike trail. She kept picking up the leaves off the bike trail and putting them in the grass where they belong.
Jaysa makes so many funny faces. Here are a few I caught on camera.
I love this one!
Ha Ha what a site to see when my family comes in town to stay with me!
We went to the DI for fun to look at all the crazy things they had. Here's Mark, Kristin, C.J., Coltin and Byrin trying on wigs they found.
Devin and Meghan also stopped as they passed theough on their way to Vegas. We met them at Larsen's on the Blvd and talked while they ate. Jaysa loved being around Camden and gave him lots and lots of kisses.
Camden is such a cute and wiggly boy
My video's are not uploading. I will have to upload them later when I have a better internet connection. Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
love the picture of her eating the blueberries...her eyes say it all. way cute. love the hair accessories you have for her too...absolutely darling
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