Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here is what we do in our off time.
Dress up like Red Necks and go to Texas Roadhouse to eat.

Practice our line dancing

Play our friends Wii
Here is me hula hooping on the wii.
Don't Laugh! I debated on wether to put this on but I decided it didn't care.... I think.
I wish I would have gotten a video of C.J. he beat everyone's score and he was moving his hips so fast!

Even Jaysa likes to play the wii skiing. I love her face she is so serious about her skiing.

Shelbie is a pro hula hooper!


Mike and Katie said...

looks like a fun time!

The Roberts said...

So fun! We wish we lived closer! I love the video of Jaysa skiing. She is so confused at why everyone is cheering for her. :)