Thursday, February 11, 2010

Last week we went ice fishing with a few of our friends. We woke up at 5:30 and drove to Panguitch Lake. My parents were in town so we left Jaysa behind so we could have a little fun with out her. Here is Shelbie, Jess and I in the car trying to stay warm.

When we got there the roads covered in snow so we thought it would be fun to attach some ropes to the back of the truck and go sledding behind it. C.J. and Aaron were the first to try.

C.J. was a natural pro!

Then it was my turn to try. This is me with Aaron's goggle thing (can you tell I don't get out in the snow much I don't even know what that thing is called) It covered my entire face!

Me and Brian. We had so much fun and I almost did a 360! Brain had done it earlier and was trying to show me how.

This didn't last long I fell as soon as the truck started moving.
Here was the really fun part.
All three of us girls got out there. Shelbie and I had to squish on one board but it was twice as much fun until....
We wiped out. I swear Sheblie and I ran over a huge rock... it might have been a boulder:) C.J. said it was just a clump of snow but I know there was a rock somewhere in there. It got my right between the butt checks and bruised my tailbone. It hurt so bad.

Finally we got to the Lake and started to drill through the 18 inch ice.
Here is C.J. manning one of the many holes we drilled

This is the only fish we caught all day.
after only catching one fish we decided to try to sled some more but my sledding days were over every time I hit the smallest bump my tailbone hurt so I had to retire early. This is Brain pulling me behind the four wheeler. This was the most fun I have had in a long time and hope we will be able to go again next year. Thank you Brian and Shelbie for taking us!

1 comment:


you are welcome our fellow glued companions!!!