This will be my last post before I start a new semester. Hopefully I will have time to post as much as I have been lately but I am taking a psychological statistics class that is supposed to be killer. I will of course post the important things but there may not be as many details.
So far this pregnancy has been a lot different from my first. Some people say that means it could be a boy but I don't believe it means it's a boy I just think it's different. With the first pregnancy I knew I was pregnant because I was always tired. With this pregnancy I haven't really been tired, of course I don't really have time to feel tired because I have to take care of Jaysa. With my first pregnancy my energy came back the second trimester but with this one I have actually started to feel the fatigue and sometimes need a nap. Sometimes I try to take a nap while Jaysa watches Dora or Sesame Street but that only gives me 10 or 15 mins. I was also sick for about two weeks this time. I know that's nothing for so many other girls but I did not get sick at all with Jaysa. My nausea also comes on more at nights than in the mornings. Luckily I still have not thrown up due to any sort of pregnancy sickness. I have also been dealing with a lot of anxiety but don't want to take anything for it. Its been a lot better this month but I think its because I have had a break from school. I start my fall semester tomorrow and I hope that the anxiety doesn't come back, we will see. With my first pregnancy I also had to start physical therapy around 5 months because I was having so much back pain. My back would hurt no matter if I was standing or sitting. The only way I could get any relief was to lay down, which was not easy to do in public. I am hoping that since this pregnancy has been so much different I won't have that problem this time but I know my chances are probably slim. I also sneeze a lot more!
I am always craving something! I think a lot about food and eat according to my cravings most of the time. I usually know what I am going to eat at least a meal before eating it. I have craved so many things this pregnancy but my usual cravings are...and don't judge me some of these things I haven't eaten since the last pregnancy... Taco Bell bean and cheese burritos with LOTS and LOTS of mild sauce (I wont eat it without the sauce) Top Ramen Korean Style. C.J. taught me this. You put and egg in while the water is boiling add some chopped garlic and a little bit of Sriracha sauce to add some spice. I crave pancakes ALL the time. I probably eat them once a week. I also crave flat enchiladas and Hot Cheetos every once in a while. I have not have any really weird cravings this pregnancy although I have been eating pickles again. The weirdest thing I have ever wanted to eat was Mod podge. It was during my first pregnancy. I opened a bottle while doing crafts and for some reason it smelt so good to me. I kept myself from trying it because I knew I would feel like a little Kindergardener eating glue but it smelt delicious!
For me this is the hardest part of the pregnancy. I know that I have to gain weight but its still so hard to watch your body make the necessary changes. Luckily I started out about 6lbs lighter this time around so hopefully by the end of the pregnancy with a 30lb weight gain I will weigh somewhere in the 130's. With Jaysa I gained 35 lbs but I have changed my workouts to have more cardio this time around instead of more weight training. Hopefully that will make the difference. In this first trimester so far I gained 7lbs which is exactly what I gained with Jaysa. Right now I am a few days away from being 3 1/2 months and believe I have only gained another 2lbs. Lets hope it hasn't changed to much over the weekend. I would love to only gain 25lbs but I am not going to to be upset if I go over that.
Even though this baby was a surprise we are very excited about it. The only difficult thing will be having a baby in the middle of a semester but since everything is online I shouldn't miss to much. C.J. of course is praying for a little boy but I think he is going to jinx himself praying that our "little boy" will grow and develop correctly every night. When I went to get my first ultrasound there was a shot where the baby looked like a boy and one that looked like a girl. They lady doing the ultra sound said that the little weiner I thought I saw could have been the umbilical cord. She also took a picture of the shot where the baby looked like a girl so it almost makes me wonder if she thought it was a girl. I will be happy with whatever we have. I of course want a little boy but if I had a girl it would be fun to match the girls clothing and things like that. I will be disappointed though because I have some great ideas for a little boys nursery. We get to find out the sex of the baby on Sept 13th in about two weeks. I am really excited to know but C.J. is almost dreading it because he doesn't want to be disappointed if it's a girl. We will make an announcement as soon as we find out. Thanks for reading. Sorry there aren't any pictures or anything! I will take another pregnant pic when I reach 4 months and post it.
Hey, I just came across your blog and wanted to say hi. Jaysa is SO big...I haven't seen you guys for a while. She's adorable!
Congrats on baby #2!!!! That's so awesome!! I'm so excited for you guys.
Hope you get feeling better soon!
hope you start feeling better!
you really didn't eat the mod podge? haha. that's so funny. Secretly I craved taco bell at the very end of my pregnancy, and the week he came I snuck a little trip and got a mini quesadilla, and it was just as nasty as I thought it would be but felt so good! haha.
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