Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jaysa LOVES to wear her sun glasses! She looks so cute in them!
I love this picture for some reason. You can just tell she thinks she is cool in them.
Look out everybody!
Here is her other pair she loves to wear.
Don't you just love her fashion sense?
Ha Ha I actually dressed her. I thought it looked cute even though it didn't really match. You can tell she thinks she looks cute too!
Paisley is following in her big sisters footsteps! :) She actually hated having these on.

We bought this from a garage sale a few weeks ago and Jaysa LOVES it! C.J. really really didn't want me to buy it cause it would take up a lot of room in our tiny backyard but I knew Jaysa would love it and have lots of fun playing in it. It was so big the guy we bought it from had to bring it over on a trailer cause it wouldn't fit in the back of his truck!
Its got a cute little kitchen inside and you can see the table and chairs right there on the outside. When she wants to go play in it she comes and get me and says "Come to my house Mom." Ha a I love it. Look how cute her face is in this picture.

These were just some cute little bronze statues we saw out in Ivins and stopped to show Jaysa.
She was actually really scared to be sitting on there by herself.

C.J. and I love to take Jaysa to this park down the street. It has so many fun things to do and Jaysa has a ball whenever she goes.
Dad and Jaysa on the purple dinosaur
Now on the see-saw. There is just a slight weight difference :) Good thing is was a see-saw for little kids that just bounces them otherwise this would never have worked out.
Jaysa on the frog side of the see-saw.
Dad on the Duck side of the see-saw. Bet you couldn't tell that was a duck. Ha Ha I love how funny he looks on this.

My parents stake put on a 5 k a few weeks ago. The whole family participated. My dad pushed Calvin in his wheelchair the whole way!
This was 4 weeks after I had Paisley so I wasn't really supposed to be working out yet but I thought it would be a great start for me.
Coltin, Justin, who just got home from his mission that week and Dad
Devin, Meghan and Camden
C.J. and Coltin placed in their age groups while the rest of us where just happy to finish... over achievers... Dont you love the prizes? M&M's and Gatorade.

When we are looking for something to do we like to go to D.I. and let Jaysa play in the toy isle. She has so much fun. One of her favorite things to do is take all the stickers off everything. One night we came home and took off her shirt to get her ready for bed and this is what we found...
She kept her collection of stickers on her belly and we didn't even know it!
She was so proud of it.

C.J.'s parents came down for a weekend for some fun with some friends so we met them down in Vegas so they could see Paisley.
Nana, Jaysa and C.J. watching the Bellagio fountains
Jaysa loved the chocolate fountain.
This is the world's largest chocolate fountain and it looked so delicious!
Here is Jaysa playing on the rides they had at one of the malls we went to.
Look at that face! I love it!
I forget the name of the hotel that does the gardens but they also have a sort of green house they keep all these amazing butterflies in. Jaysa had fun pointing all of them out to C.J. and I.
You cant tell but there was one sitting right by her on the other side of the glass.
Such a cute face. She loved being so close to this butterfly.
Jaysa has SO many facial expression. This is the face she makes when she is unsure about something.
Paisley was a tropper the whole weekend! She was so happy just to be totted around.
Jaysa and Nana
It's hard to tell what going on here but we went to Children Palace to pick out a few outfits for the girls. Jaysa "marching" all around the store and just like every other little kids loved to hide under the racks of clothes. Ha Ha thank goodness I watched her climb up on this thing other wise I would have freaked out when I couldn't find her.
Jaysa and Pappa. Jaysa loves her Pappa SO much! She always wants him to hold her. She goes to him and says "I hold you" when she wants him. It's too cute. I am so grateful that he is so willing to just sit down with her. He doesnt try to talk to her or teach her something or worry about what he has to get done, he just simply sits there with her and enjoys the moment. He is one lucky man too cause she doesn't just cuddle with anyone.
Jaysa fell asleep on Nana. She was so exhausted.

We also blessed Paisley while his parents were in town. It was actually kind of a disastrous Sunday to be honest. First of all, I decided not to get another baby dress made out of my mom's and my wedding dress. Instead I decided to bless Paisley in the dress I was bless in when I was a baby. So my mom brought it up and somehow between the two of us we lost it! I was so upset and she spent two weeks looking for it. Finally I decided to give one more look around the house and if we didn't find it we would just make one like Jaysa had. We said a little prayer and C.J. found it in the garage in a plastic walmart bag! Then the day before the blessing I realized I had no bow for her. so I decided I would make it from the lace from my mom's wedding dress there she would have something sentimental from her also. When I asked my mom where her wedding dress was she told me she brought it up to my house and I swore to her that it was not at my house so we lost her wedding dress too! Thankfully after searching her garage we found it. Then the Sunday morning we were blessing her I lost the piece of paper we needed to have to bless her! I was so frazzled that morning. I couldn't find my makeup we were late to church. I had to leave my mom and Byrin at home with no car cause there was only one left and they were ready yet. Thanks to my mom's good friend Lori (who was already at church and left to get my mom) everyone made it there in time to see the blessing. What a stressful morning it was!
My Beautiful girl!
All the cousins!
I couldn't just pick one picture cause she looks so cute in all of them.
Sweet smile

Her bow it actually made from several sentimental things. The main bow and lace are from my mom's wedding dress. The center of the two outside bows where earrings that my mom's grandmother used to wear and that my grandmother and mom also wore and the bigger almost tule kinda lace is actually from material off or Kristin's bird cage veil she wore at her wedding... (Kristin actually doesn't know though... Please don't kill me Kristin!) It will be so special to her one day to have so many important people in her life contribute to her blessing day.

Love this smile

I made a blinged out binky for her a lot like the one Jaysa had and with a little help from me C.J. actually made her necklace just like he did when Jaysa was blessed.
My favorite smile of hers.

We also celebrated my mom's birthday while we were down there. We had the best suprise for my mom but didn't leave enough time to really set up for it so this was the best sign we could make with what little time we had.
My Mom and Dad actually pulled up as I was taping the sign up so I had to run in really fast. They saw me dart inside but that still didn't ruin the surprise!
BLUEBELL! Ever since my family left Texas we scramble at any chance we get to get our hands on some bluebell. Earlier that day C.J. had a recruiting trip in Kingman, AZ and they sell bluebell there so he stopped and picked up 16 half gallons! This was really a present for the whole family not just my mom.
We had to rearrange both freezers to be able to fit all the ice cream in
To surprise my mom we put a single half gallon in the driveway and made a trail of petals and a few other tubs leading onto the sidewalk and into the house and around the corner there she saw this....
HEAVEN! 10 more half gallons! Do you like her candles? She is only turning 32!
Everyone. C.J. and I were in the middle of a workout so we look really gross.

Ok Jaysa is only two and knows how to work C.J.'s phone better than me! She is also becoming quite the photographer! She loves to take picture of C.J. and I and loves it when we make funny faces for the camera. Here are a few picture sequences that I think are so funny

Ha Ha my personal favorite

Ha Ha here is another good one

Ha ha as you can see between C.J. and Jaysa my life is filled with plenty of entertainment.

We got a chance to go to two carnivals this weekend!
It was such a blast. Jaysa got a ballon in the shape of a flower.
She looks so excited in these pictures doesn't she. Ha the sun was in her eyes and I was telling her to look at me so she wasn't very happy

Jaysa loved the big slides like these. They had them at both carnivals and all she wanted to do was slide down them.
She was too little to do it by herself so I had to help her/carry her the whole thing. It was a major workout and I was so tired that night
Every time we got to the bottom of the slide she would say "Again, Again!"
This is the most fun Jaysa has ever had! She would be really quite while we stood in line but the second we got on there she would get really excited and start giggling and wouldn't stop till we got off. She talked about it all day after we got home.
They also had a bunch of games for little kids.
Here they tried to catch as many ducks as they could
She was really shy cause there were some many new people around but she wasnt going to pass this game up.
We tried to do a bounce house. Jaysa liked it for about a half a second and then started crying. Later when I went in with her she was fine. It was such a fun weekend and I can't wait to take her to another carnival.

Cheesy smile
Paisley sleeping with her face smashed into the couch.
Don't judge. Paisley has a hard time sleeping cause she cant keep her binky in for very long so my mom taped it onto her face! Ha Ha I loved it but don't worry we don't do this it was a joke and its not strong tape. It's actually hair tape, every safe for kids...:) j/k
Jaysa sleeping with her eyes half open when we were in the car.
Jaysa using Shrek as her pillow
Miss Paisley!
Love this face.
Jaysa and Paisley are best friends already. Jaysa loves her so much. The other day I was watching the two of them interact and Jaysa put her arm around Paisley like she is here, kissed her on the forehead and whispered in her ear, " I lu you." It was the sweetest thing and I almost cried!
Jaysa has a few nick names for Paisley. She calls her pay pay or Paisley Mae Mae or my favorite Paisley Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae. Ha ha she really does say it that many times.
My sweet girls. They will be the best of friend one day

Paisley hanging out in her Bumbo. She is not quite as big of a fan of it as I am but hopefully she will learn to love it.

Dad and Paisley
K If you don't know what this is don't worry about it. If you do, I couldn't resist. Someone has obviously been watching! Gross but funny!
Here is a cute video of Jaysa singing to her self. She is not even singing real words. She loves to do this and make up new songs.

Thanks for viewing this really really long post! Hopefully there aren't too many errors cause I don't have time to go back and read over it.


Mike and Katie said...

always look forward to your posts...they always put a smile on my face...darling the bow idea that you used for your blessing days for the girls


Gosh it seems like forever, Jaysa has grown up so much, Paisley is getting so big and cute, and C.J. well let's just say him and Brian are more than likely related! And you look great Robby I know you probably feel ICKY like I still do but trust me you look good. I can't wait to see you guys this weekend and hopefully throughout the week next week. LOVE YOU GUYS AND WE MISS YOU MORE AND MORE EACH DAY. P.S. Blue Bell Ice Cream is down here too come have some with us!