Monday, November 7, 2011

C.J. had a recruiting trip in Flagstaff, Arizona so we decided to make a weekend out of it and head to the Phoenix and Mesa area to visit our friends Brain and Shelbie and C.J's family
Jaysa, Paisley and Brain and Shelbie's little girl Mya taking a bath!
They loved the bubbles

My sweet baby!
Paisley and Mya
Such cute little girls!

This is the story of Paisley's life. Jaysa is always trying to hug her and give her kisses and ends up completely mauling her. She has started to learn to push Jaysa away.

I no longer have enough fingers to show how old I am unless I have help from my awesome friend Shelbie! Ha Ha I just noticed that my numbers are backwards. I am not 62! You would think the guy taking the picture would notice that.....C.J.!
She is in the trunk of car if you couldn't tell
For my Birthday we went to a restaurant called Houston's that C.J. said was supposed to be really good.
It was more like a train wreck with all the kids.

While we were in Flagstaff we took a drive in the mountains and found some snow!

Paisley, me and Jaysa

Trying to keep Paisley warm. I don't think she is liking it though
Dad and the girls waiting outside the dressing room while I try an outfit on
Sweet Jaysa

Look at that smile! I love it!
Car rides with babies are never fun! Trying to keep Paisley entertained is no easy task.
Chewing on her babies leg helps ha ha jk

Jaysa is actually really good at it! Here is Jaysa throwing around a ball to keep Paisley laughing
at the mall in Prescott...I think

Brandon and Sherrie are big Nascar fans and had extra tickets to the Nascar truck races and we were lucky enough to get invited!

C.J. in front of his favorite car.
Taking a break in the shade away from the hot sun. From left to right Tessa, C.J., me, Tyra, Trae and Trae's friend Tyler
All the boys taking a picture with Travis Pastrana who is a professional Dirt bike guy that does Nascar too.
Me and Sherrie
Tyra and Tessa in the coolest DSC Sunglasses ever!

Me and Sherrie sitting in this really expensive car. I don't remember what kind it was I just made Brandon ask if we could sit in it

Brandon signing some car for some sort of diabetes awareness

Me and C.J. My mom took the girls for the day. We had a lot of fun. I have never been to anything like this so it was a really fun and neat experience. Thanks for inviting us Brandon and Sherrie!

C.J. finally drew a deer tag this year. He has been out several times with buddies and bow hunting but this time he finally got to bring something home.
Brandon was nice enough to take C.J. and a few of his other buddies out and help make sure everyone got a deer. I told Brandon that if C.J. didn't kill a deer to leave him out in the mountains and let him find his way home. I was so happy when C.J sent me a picture of him with his deer!
I don't know anything about hunting but I guess this is a really neat deer because he is in full velvet. It is currently at the taxidermists house being prepared for a mount

C.J. and Jaysa with Brandon's brother Cody's deer... or whats left of it.

Our neighbor's have twin girls Jaysa's age. They threw a little Halloween party so we got to go!
Jaysa all dressed up in some of her dress up clothes
She is a princess/angel/whatever I could find to put on her

Jaysa has always made lots of funny facial expressions. Here are a few cute and funny ones

These are just some cute pictures I took of Paisley!

I love this girl!
Everyone enjoying their sucker!
Even Paisley got one!
She loved it!
Cutest face ever!
Lilly (the twins little sister) trying to get Paisley's bow.
Jaysa playing on their swing set
too cute!
Jaysa and Emmy... I think... eat their spider cookies
Jaysa just dug in!

I told Jaysa to look at me so I could get a picture ha ha ha the sun was in her eyes so this is what I got.
We even had a little parade up and down the street.
All the kids

I have the hardest time getting Paisley to lay still and drink her bottle. If I don't stay there with her she usually rolls over in a matter of seconds and is off playing. The other day I told Jaysa to make sure Paisley did not roll over while she was drinking her bottle. When I came back this was her solution the Paisley's problem.
She just sat on top of her!!!
I laughed so hard
Jaysa is such a silly girl sometimes!
This is Jaysa sleeping in the car when my mom drove us home one weekend. Looks so comfortable! I love Calvin's face in the background.
Having fun doing our hair during a sink bath
Dad actually did it for her
So funny!
Dad and his girls!
Cute picture of Paisley and Jaysa on our little trampoline

Paisley has just discovered the joy that comes from Oreos!
She loves them!
If I could put words to Paisley's facial expression it would be..."Where have these been all my life!"
I even let her have one for breakfast!
She makes the biggest mess of them!
Taking a bath after eating our Oreos. These next few are just a bunch of her cute smiles!

Paisley is really starting to get around! She just started pulling up on things a few weeks ago and is now holding on to furniture to walk around.
She still seems so little. I can't believe she will be walking soon!
My girls!
Miss Paisley

I still have a few more post to do including Trick-or-treating and as promised our new house and all our projects ! Check back soon!

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