So our computer crashed about a month ago and we just got it down to the Mac Store about a week ago. Some how the hard drive was still under warranty after three years. Don't know how that happened but I was SO HAPPY! We lost all the pictures but C.J. thinks he has most of them on his I Phone and we kept the hard drive so hopefully one day we can get the pics off of it.
Here is what is left on the computer.
Jaysa eating corn on the cob. She love it!
My poor baby is so so tired
Grandma and Jaysa got a hold of a pen during church. You cant see it but she has smiley faces on all her toes.
Here is Jaysa eating a hot dog and watching Sesame Street!
Jaysa LOVES to get inside of anything!!!! If she can get inside of it she will try!
C.J. the exterminator! My mom paid C.J. 20 dollars to take care of the family cat that died under the lawn furniture outside her door!
Jaysa playing at the water park.
Walking up the water steps
C.J. just ran his first triathlon this weekend! I am so proud of him! He trained so hard and he did so good!
My poor baby fell yesterday and hit her head on a boulder! It gushed blood for a little while and I was afraid we were going to have to take a trip to the hospital but after cleaning her up we decided it was not a bad enough cut.
Us before the race.
Testing out the waters. C.J. was one of the only guys without a wet suit! the other guys was this guy in the speedo!
The water was SO cold!
Transitioning from the swim to the bike
posing for one quick pic
Here is C.J. crossing the finish line!!! I was so proud of him!
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