Friday, July 16, 2010

I am still not done! I am trying to get my sis to upload two videos and I have a few more on my computer I need to upload so check back again for the full post! Sorry its taking so long!
Our Mexico trip is not what we had expected. As we crossed the boarder we were met by lots of rain and disaster from the Hurricane Alex..The drive from Laredo to Monterrey was supposed to take 2.5 hours but with all the closed and flooded roads and getting stranded it took us 24 hours. There were a few times where I thought our van was going to get washed away. Meghan and I even got the babies out of their car seat so that we could be ready to bail if we needed to. We finally came to a point where a car had tried to cross the road and it had been washed away in the attempt so we decided to accept the fact that we were not going to make it to my Aunt's and Uncle's house. We didnt really have anywhere to go though because we couldn't go back and we couldn't go foward. Luckily in the half a mile stretch that we were stranded on had a hotel so we stopped in there but all the rooms were full. At this point we were also all straving and the cafe across the street had run out of food so we were left eating food that had been brought for the babies and calvin. So for dinner we ate cold hot dogs, beefaroni, crackers, and a few other snack foods. After our not so delicious dinner we went back to the lobby of the hotel and started to make ourselves comfortable with all of the other stranded people. Thankfully my Uncle was able to talk the hotel manager into renting out the conference room for us. They provided us with pillows and sheets. Even though the sheets added little cushioning from the concrete floor we were happy to have a dark, quiet and dry place to lay down. Here are a few of the sights we were met by once we were able to get into Monterrey.

This is a high school's Basketball court. The court came out all the way across the creek but had been washed away. There were a few basketball goals in the creek.

This used to be a bunch of soccer fields and bike trails now it's a river.

more damage

Here is a bloated pig that got up in the water.

Here is Calvin sleeping in the van on the long drive. He just folds himself in half!

While we were there we also lost all water in the house and had to take bucket showers out of this cistern of water they had.

Here are a few things we did on the days it didn't rain

Rode on a zip line

Road bikes at the park
Me and C.J. My sister Kristin has a pretty funny video of my uncle Brent trying to go down the waterfall of steps behind us. He totally fell and it was so funny. I will try to get it up here soon.

No one wanted to stay behind and push Calvin so Uncle Brent and my Dad had an ingenious idea! Ha Ha he actually enjoyed the ride.
Mom on a bike!

This is Bio Parque. This was by far the most fun thing we did the whole trip. The pictures are not really in any order.

They had all kinds of animals we got to feed and touch!

Here comes a giraffe!
It was a pretty cool experience
If you dont watch any other videos at least watch this one. The first things that greeted us as we entered in the gates were hungry camels. They ran towards us and attacked us! They would stick their heads in so far and try to gets everyones cups. Everyone was screaming and laughing it was pretty fun.

It bite me! I had my fingers to high on the cup and it bite me!

I am not going to lie I was so scarred to feed this ostrich!

Here is a video of the ostrich.

C.J. and Jaysa. What a sweet pic

The Camels were crazy! This is a pretty cool pic of Kristin's hubby Mark feeding the camels

Dad and Calvin!

What a cute family! Devin Meghan and Camden

Ha Ha I love this pic of Calvin! I am sure he is wondering What the heck is going on!

Everyone petting the giraffe. It was so neat to pet this big guy! He was so clam and friendly. This is the only animal on the ride that Jaysa ended up touching and it was a really quick pat on the nose. It was so cute!

All the animals have learned to try to do for the cups instead of eating whats inside. This ostrich was able to get one!

The Fam.

Mom and Meghan. Cute pic Mom! I know you are reading!

This is how Jaysa was the whole time she was so worried something was going to happen.

This is right after Jaysa reached out and touched the giraffe. I really think she did enjoy being that close to the animals even though she was scared out of her mind.

I love this pic! Byrin me Jaysa and Aunt Ella
Here is a funny pic. Devin just bonded with this donkey! They loved each other!
Love at first sight!
They had a small petting zoo but after the bus ride Jaysa did not want to touch any animals
She was even scared of the little pigs. She sure knew what they were called though. She wouldn't stop saying "piggy"
Aunt Kristin and Jaysa on a boat ride. Can you see the monkey in the background

Mom and Kristin. Another good pic mom!

Her is everyone at the restaurant we ate at after Bio Parque.

We also went to visit the Monterrey Temple it was very beautiful and not much different on the inside from temples in the U.S.

Everyone at the temple

Me. C.j. and Jaysa. Please do not look at hoe gross I look it was SO humid there that it made Texas feel like dry weather. I did not even bother drying or doing my hair after getting out of the shower because it was not going to look good no matter what!

At the Mission home. Ella says their house is one of the few with carpet in Monterrey. This is Jaysa pretending to talk on the phone (Byrin's I pod) She is acting like she is really having a conversation and that its funny! I love it. It is so funny what kids pic up from their parents. If you listen you can here her gibber gabbing. So cute.

This is at the Mexican Market. They had a little pet shop Jaysa had lots of fun playing with the bunnies and birds. We also bought her a little Mexican dress and shoes. They are so cute! I wish I had a pic of her in it but I didn't have my camera. She wore it to church on sunday and all the little Mexican Grandmothers loved it.

Jaysa thinks she is such a "cool dude" when she has a hat on!

She loves any kind of hat!

Since it rained so much we had to play a bunch of games in the house. I can't remember what game we were playing but my dad had to stand up and act out all the animals everyone called out. Here is the videos it was pretty funny.

More of my dad's animals sounds

Here is a really cute video of my little nephew Camden! This is Devin and Meghan's son and he is the sweetest and cutest little boy ever. I love the video because it is him nodding his head and opening and closing his mouth like he is talking. Its so cute!

Our friend Brian served a mission in a few surrounding areas near Monterrey and said we HAD to try the "trumpo" (not sure how that is spelled) so we stoped at one of the little taco shops and had some. It was delicious but little did we all know that we would regret it later! Everyone had diarrhea for the next few days after eating these. You can see it there in the back ground.

After hanging out in Monterrey for a week we stopped in Austin for a short visit. Our trip didnt get much better there though. C.J. and I brought some kind of flu with us. It was horrible! We were barfing our guts out! 11 out of the 15 people in C.J.'s family got it and I feel so bad that we brought it to them. Even little Breckyln got it :( Here it a pic of her after she was feeling a little better with Nana's glasses on! So cute! She looks the part!

Here are just a few old pics I found that I know haven't been on the blog.

This is one of Jaysa's favorite things to do! She LOVES to sit and play like she is putting my makeup on.

She thinks she looks so beautiful!

Such a big girl!

Ha Ha this is a funny face.


A lot of the parks around here don't have swings for little babies so I usually have to swing with Jaysa. We finally found on that had a baby swing and she loved it!



Jaysa just keeps getting cuter and cuter we sure are going to miss you guys so much!!! We love y'all!

Mike and Katie said...

looks like you had a lot of fun...