Wednesday, August 11, 2010

C.J. and I just got back from Texas late last night and I have so much to blog about. I was hoping to get some done in Austin but C.J.'s parents house doesn't have a good enough internet connection for me to even upload a single picture. Texas was fun as always and we even did a little house shopping! I just kinda wanted to get an idea of what we could afford. We were also able to get a lot of pictures that we lost when our computer crashed. Here are some from C.J.'s Graduation.
I'm so proud of C.J. He's worked hard to finish and he is finally done.... for now. I have really enjoyed him being done with school and being able to help me out more. However he is thinking about continuing on for a Masters program hopefully in the Spring.
C.J.'s parents flew down for the weekend and we had lots of fun hanging out while they were here.
Finally graduated!

C.J's Dad congratulating him
Nana, Papa, C.J., Jaysa and me
This was a pretty cool picture. We were taking a picture and the president of the college, Stephen Naudald was walking by and jumped in really quick. He is also an Ameratus 70.
C.J. and good friend Jason

C.J. and his mom, Sandy
Just a funny pic of Jaysa. She makes this face all the time!
I will post about Texas soon I am going to start on it tonight but its a long post so it will take a while to finish.

1 comment:

cristy :) said...

Super pictures! They make me miss my cute Texas family. Are you coming up for Halloween? I've already started shopping!!! Preston, Matt and Benny say HI :)