Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby # 2 is on the way!
Thats right everyone. C.J. and I were surprised to find out about a month and a half ago that I was expecting our second child. I was hoping to finish my schooling before having another baby but this baby will come right in the middle of my spring semester! I just had an ultra sound today to determine how far along I was. The baby is measuring at 13 weeks and two days which puts my due date on February 19th. Jaysa and our new baby will be almost 25 months apart. This was definitely not what we planned but the Lord has a better plan for us and we are excited to be welcoming a new baby into our life. The nurse who did the ultra sound said it was still a little bit early to tell the sex of the baby but I can go back in three weeks and she will be able to tell us what we are having. Of course C.J. is dying for a boy. I on the other hand will be happy with whatever we have. I do want to have a boy but I also think it would be fun to have two girls in a row so that I can dress them alike in the cutest outfits! We will continue to keep you updated on our new babies progress.


Mike and Katie said...

I HAD A FEELING...that is crazy the other day when i was reading your post about your trip to texas i thought that maybe on the bottom of the post i would see a picture with your prego tummy...i am way excited for you...u will have to send me your address so i can send you some baby gear when you find out what it is ...way excited for you! send it to my email address when you get a chance...

The Reutzel Family said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting! I hope everything goes well with your pregnancy and maybe if you have a boy you can name it Braxton and then we will both have one!


Robin!!! you look so stinking cute!!!! I love it!

Mark and Brynne Rose said...

That is so exciting congrats!!!