Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We took family pictures three days after getting to Texas. Here is everyone (starting from the left) Scott and Kori, Kindra, C.J., me and Jaysa, Sandy, Bob and Kade, Ryan and Brandilyn and Jaylie, Kajsa with baby Crew in the belly, Brecklyn and Kip.

This is my favorite picture of everyone. (including Koda the family dog)

I will be honest these are not my favorite pictures of us probably because I really really really need a tan. I am so white it is distracting from the picture. I am also starting to grow my hair out again so its at that point where is to long for the hairstyle I have and I am not sure what to do with it.

C.J. decided we would start taking turns planning for anniversaries, so this year was my year since he planned something last year. I told C.J. not to expect anything big because we had no money and I didn't know what there was to do around Austin but really I had the whole day planned. We started the day off by waking up early getting donuts and going to the cliff that over looks the San Gabriel river where C.J. proposed to try to watch the sun rise. (I wasn't thinking and the sun came up behind us :(we just turned around and watched it so it worked out ok) Then I decided I would surprise C.J. and take him down to San Antonio and go to the River Walk and stay in a hotel that my Father-in-law was so sweet to pay for us so we could have an over night get away.
The Cake
Every year for your anniversary we go to the bakery that made our wedding cake and have them make another cake for us. This cake went through hell and back before we got to eat it though! We brought it on the airplane in my diaper bag where it kinda fell apart and then it sat in the car and melted. It still tasted great though!
At the Hotel. The hotel was right on the river walk which was pretty cool.
On the River Walk
We ate at Texas Land and Cattle for dinner. This is my new FAVORITE place to eat. We got the wedge salad to start off with and for my meal I got the sirloin steak with melted blue cheese on top with mashed potatoes. Every bite that I put in my mouth was amazing! I had no idea steak could be that tender. I kept telling C.J. how good it was cause I couldn't get over how good it tasted. If you ever get a chance this is a great restaurant to eat at and get the sirloin steak!

The next morning we went to the Gunther House for breakfast another great place to eat (get the breakfast tacos) went to the Alamo and headed home. On the way home there were all these fresh peaches stands so we stopped and traded a piece of our cake for two peaches! We had lots of fun and can't wait for next year!

Three days after getting to Texas C.J.'s older sister Kajsa had her third baby! She actually has a pretty good labor story and I am just going to tell the shortened version. When we got there Kajsa was already 80% effaced and dialated to a 3. Her Doctor told her that as soon as her felt labor pains she needed to get to the hospital or she may have the baby at home. So three days after we get there she goes to the doctor to get her membranes stripped to help her go into labor. We also had family pictures that night and Kajsa started to cramp which she thought was just from having her membranes stripped. She was in a lot of pain a throughout the pictures and after the photographers left she started having contractions. So we got her ready and they left for the hospital. Kajsa was not sure she was in labor yet because she was not in any pain. and asked if they could turn around and go home because she was afraid the hospital would turn her away but Sandy was convinced she needed to go. As soon as they got there the nurses checked Kajsa. When Kajsa asked how far she was dialated the nurse said" Um, all I feel is a babies head" Kajsa was already a ten! She was in labor the entire time we were taking pictures and if they had turned around she would have had the baby at home. There was no time for a epidural and Kajsa had the baby NATURAL! The baby was born within 40 mins of getting to the hospital. Kajsa did so great and had a much better recovery because she did it natural so not being able to get an epidural turned out to be a blessing.
Crew Kip Nielson was 8lbs and 2oz!
Kajsa and her new baby boy!
Happy Papa!
and Nana!
Kip was by far the happiest. He finally got his little boy!

Jaysa and Brecklyn LOVE the cows and horses. We spent a good deal of time in the barn and side pasture feeding them. We went out to see the animals several times a day. I felt like every time I turned around Jaysa was grabbing my hand and pointing out the window and saying cow...mooo. I even heard Jaysa talking in her sleep about the cows! She kept saying cow, moo cow, moo. It was also the first thing on her mind in the morning. The Ferguson's have two life size brown metal horses out in the front pasture and Jaysa saw them every morning on our walk from the guest house to the house. She would point and saw horsey...neigh and she wouldnt stop talking about cows and horses till we went out to the barn to see them.
Jaysa was not really afraid of the animals at all. She would get close and want to "give them a pat pat" if someone was holding her. She only got scarred when we set her on the horse or when they tried to come in the barn if we were not holding her.
Here is a cute picture of both girls. Brecklyn was a little more reserved but I was still so impressed with how brave these little girls were around such big animals.
Jaysa wearing Brecklyn's red boots, which were acutally C.J.'s 13 year old brother Kade's when he was a kid!
Jaysa feeding the cow. They had to work hard to get what she was giving them because she never really stopped moving and would through it on the ground near the fence so it was hard for them to get.
Feeding the horses in the barn
Jaylie loved to feed Calli the grain
This was Jaysa and Brecklyn's favorite thing to do! We would open the back doors to the barn and the animals would come right up to the door and wait for the girls to bring the hay and alfalfa. I have a video of them going back and forth from the hay bails to the door. Its pretty cute. These girls would have done this for hours if we would have let them and as soon as we brought them back in the house they would ask to go right back out to feed the cows and horses

Jaysa trying to pick up a huge chunk of hay to give the cows

I know I have a lot of pictures of this but this was the girls favorite part of the day so I wanted to document it well.
I love Brecklyn's face in this one. She did not like the cow getting to close

Here is Jaysa and Brecklyn's favorite activity. They would do this all day if they could.

C.J. getting Calli ready to ride

The horse doesnt get ridden much so C.J. had to test her out.

Nana and Jaysa. Jaysa loves the horses but was not a fan of riding.
She cried the whole time.
Brecklyn didn't like it either but was fine when Nana was riding with her
Kade, Brecklyn, Kindra and Megan waiting for a turn to ride.
Kade and Megan. Megan is C.J's cousin. Every summer she comes down for about two weeks to stay with the Ferguson's. Kade is her "number one cousin." Megan has a list of her cousins and she gives everyone a number. It constantly changes except for Kade being number one. She even has it written down in her phone! Last time I checked I was number 9 :( C.J. got as high as 1 and a half but no one has ever taken Kade's spot as number one.

Jaysa had lots of fun going out to the Ferguson's little play set and swinging on the swings. I feel really bad that we are home now cause she is cooped up in our little house with no swing set, pool, horses or cows to keep her entertained!

Here is Kade pushing Jaysa on the swing set. Kade and Kindra were both great with the babies and did a lot of baby sitting for us.

"Top O Texas"
The Ferguson's have one of the most amazing properties I have ever seen. They have finished several projects that just blow people's minds. I wished I had more pictures of them. They have one of the coolest gardens I have ever seen. They use antique bathtubs, beds, mailboxes, and sinks to hold lots of their vegetables and flowers. They have an awesome guest house that I will have to make a post about later because there are so many cool things about it and they have the most extravagant tree house I have ever seen! I wish I had more pictures of this also. The inside walls are covered in antique road signs and it has a little place for the kids to read books with a little table and chairs. They kids love going up there to play. My Father-in-law comes up with all the ideas for the property and is one of the most creative men I have ever met. Right now he is working on a Sheep camp wagon, a tipi and has ideas for a Texas Tiny House.

Jaysa finally has enough hair that I can put a little bit of the top in a tiny pony tail ont he top of her head.
She also has a head full of curls in the back! Its so cute!

Since Kajsa was still having trouble getting around C.J. and I helped out a lot with caring for her girls. Every morning I got Jaysa and Brecklyn breakfast.
We ate a lot of cereal!
Jaysa feeding Brecklyn
Jaysa laughing at Brecklyn. I just love Jaysa's face.

This is Jaysa at dinner time with a peice of pizza stuck to her head. Jaysa refuses to let me feed her anymore. She wants to do it all by herself. She is actually doing quite well besides the fact that she is the messiest eater in the world!

We also did bath times together!
They loved playing in the bath together

They loved all the bubbles too!
I love Brecklyn's crazy hair do! She has so much more hair than Jaysa! It's so not fair.
My baby girl!

"We don't skinny dip, We chunky dunk!" My father-in-law has a sign up by the pool that says this and this pretty much describes how the girls swam most of the time while we were there. I tried to keep them dressed when I was taking video or pictures but sometimes to get the video I didn't have time to put clothes on them so please excuse the naked babies!
We also spent a majority of our time in the pool each day! Before we got there Jaysa enjoyed being in the water and was able to hold her breath under water but after swimming for 2-3 hours a day and seeing her older cousin Jaylie swim she has become a fish! I have a few video tapes of her progress.

Please excuse my whiteness! I had not had time to swim much before we got to Texas. I can happily say I am several shades darker now. We started off by doing circles in the hot tube and practicing on paddling our arms.
Then we moved to going across the hot tub. Eventually all I had to do was hold on to the back of her neck to help her get moving.

Then we graduated to diving down to the bottom to pick up pool toys. (with Dad's help of course)

This is just a funny one of her playing on the pool noodle.

Jaysa jumping to C.J.
Jumping off the rock
Taking turns!
Jaysa is such a little dare devil she loves to climb on anything!

Half way into the swim the girls always asked for a popscicle or as Jaysa calls it a "pockey da"
Sharing with dad
The girls loved eating watermelon out by the pool
Jaylie, Brecklyn, Jaysa

C.J. playing motor boat with the girls

Jaysa and Daddy. I love Jaysa's cute smile
Me and Jaysa
Jaysa and Breacklyn wearing sun glasses!

Too Cute! I love this picture!
When C.J. sings a song he tries really hard to sound like the artist that sings it. Here is his Linkin Park impersonation. He has no idea I am taking a video of him. I wish I would have gotten more but the song ended.

Jaysa and Baby Crew
At first Jaysa was not at all interested in baby Crew but after being around him for so long she finally started having a little interest in him. Every once in a while she would come "give him a pat pat" on the head and point out his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. She was so sweet with him. She even gave him a kiss once or twice.
Pointing out his mouth.
I was really surprised with how she has acted around Crew. She didn't even get jealous when I am holding him! It was great training for her for when she gets another baby brother of sister!
C.J. holding crew. Its great training for him too! j/k. Crew is one of the best babies ever! he hardly ever cried and he seemed to have such a chill and mellow personality.

A Few Random Pictures and Videos

This is Sandy, Bob, Jaylie, Kade and me at the park

Jaysa in the big rocking chair. She loved to rock herself and she would say "rockey, rockey, rockey" while doing it. It was pretty cute.
Jaysa loved to push things around. She would push anything she could find, laundry baskets, empty water jugs, stools, her toy stroller... anything! She loves it!

Jaysa with C.J.'s sunglasses on upside down. She loves to wear sunglasses
Jaysa is looking at her reflection in Kade's phone. She loves to look at herself!
Look at that face! She thinks she is so pretty!

This was at church. I just think its a funny face.

Jaysa playing with the dolls in the little nursery out in the guest house. Most of the dolls that are out there for the kids to play with were made by Sandy's mom's mom!. Grandma has given each of the grandkids a doll her mother made. I think it's a pretty cute tradition.
Just having fun jumping on the couch.

This is by far the cutest video. If you don't watch any other watch this one. Its Jaysa and Brecklyn dancing to the song "you think your better than me" (I don't know the real name but thats what it says in the chorus) I think this is Jaysa's favorite song right now. She always gets up and dances when it comes on. Check out her awesome dance moves!

Chelsea and I got to hang out quite a bit. We had lots of fun talking, swimming, watching movies and eating chocolate chip cookie sandwiches with frosting in the middle!
Me, Jaysa, Hogan and Chelsea
Me and Chels. Chelsea and Lee were in Austin for the summer selling. My dream is that they will move back and settle down but it looks like I will be having to fly out to California to see them from now on. :(
Jaysa had a lot of fun feeding hogan treats. This picture is blurry but I love Jaysa's face in it.
Sorry here is another blurry pic of Grandma Great saying bye to Jaysa!
Megan and Jaysa

Sweet Jaysa
Funny pic of C.J.

Dress up!
I have been collecting dress ups at garage sales since before I was even pregnant with Jaysa! I have got some pretty cute outfits and Jaysa is finally getting into playing with them! I love it!
She loves to open and close the drawers of this jewlery box.

Giving her teddy bear a piggy back!

C.J. and I work at the college in the intramural department and since its summer we sometimes have some extra time on our hands. C.J. got a little creative and put Jaysa in one of the ball bags and started swinging her around. I thought she would freak out but she loved it!

My Mom bought Jaysa a few dress up outfits, princess high heels and this lady bug outfit. We tried it on her and she loved looking in the mirror at herself in it!
You cant see her pretty Cinderella crystal shoes she had on but she did not want to take her outfit off!
Jaysa loves to stand on the couch cushion and look out the window. I was changing her diaper and she got away from me and wanted to get on the couch so I helped her up and pulled the blinds back and I got this funny picture.

Check out the older posts to see pictures of us and C.J. parents at his graduation!



We love the post. Brian especially loved that C.J. was wearing the B.R.A. shirt on your anniversary. Happy Anniversary we miss you guys a ton and can't wait to see you again.

Mike and Katie said...

the family photos are way cute! and if you need a tan than i am in huge trouble! you looked great! loved all the pictures...