So we are having some technical difficulties here. We lost the charger to the camera and the battery is dead which means I can't upload the pictures off of it till we go buy a new charger and most likely a new battery because the old one is not holding any charge. I have also had to jump on C.J.'s work computer to write this post because a while back Paisley projectile barffed on the key board of my computer and after not being used for two weeks while we were in Texas the Enter button has decided that it would stop working. LOVELY! So anyway here are the pictures I have so far of us in Texas and also a bunch that we pulled off of C.J's phone. ENJOY!
Jaysa while we were over at Brandon and Sherrie's house. Tyra and Tessa love to dress her up and do her hair. Cute outfit and love the hair do in this pic. Parted down the middle and slicked to the sides as much as her curls will allow. Love the expression!
This is Jaysa and her "brandon doll" The other day I had Sherrie babysit. Brandon wasn't there so Jaysa went and found the next best thing. This doll that looks just like Brandon. ha ha I think it is the goatee.
This is how we do our grocery shopping!
Ha ha Jaysa loves it. Paisley not so much.
For some reason I find pictures with kids wearing goggles to be the cutest thing ever!
Love how they still have water in them!
Jaysa would run and jump off the side and after coming up out of the water her goggles would be completely full of water and her eyes would still in open. Ha Ha I was trying to get a picture of it here but by the time she crawled out of the water it had all leaked out.
Love the faces she makes when the goggles are on
Ha Ha she doesn't know what to do
The other day Brandon and Sherrie took us out to their crawdad fishing spot. It was a blast! We caught so many crawdads and the kids had lots of fun.
Trae and Jaysa
The crawdads were HUGE! I have never seen crawdads this big
Brandon and C.J. Gotta love Brandon's smile!
This is Jaysa after we swam at the DSC pool. We forgot towels so we had to use the little towels the fitness center hands out to sweaty people.... they were clean though!
Paisley was so tired! I rocked her to sleep while we were shopping and then put her down in the cart. She had a pretty good nap!
I know I already blogged a little bit about this but here are the pictures that came off C.J.'s phone. My dad's business partner Fred Perrin and his family also came with us. The first thing we did when we got down there was go to
The fireworks at the end were amazing! They did them right there in the stadium. It was so cool.
Jaysa still talks about the fireworks we saw here.
The stage
Here's everyone taking pictures before it gets dark. Me and Coltin
Jaysa, Eava, Fred's little girl and Justin. Jaysa and Eava were best little buddies the whole weekend.
Jaysa watching the show
Jaysa, Dad and Mom. We left Paisley at home with my Aunt Pam which I am so grateful for because she would have been screaming from all the loud fireworks.
Jaysa and C.J. making silly faces
So cute!
This next day we went up to Park City and Road the Alpine slides. It was SOOOO much fun! Jaysa loved every bit of it and I hope that she will remember because it will be one of my favorite memories with her.
Me and Jaysa getting ready to go down the slide
Eava and Jaysa riding the airplane
Grandpa and Jaysa on the roller coaster. I love her face. This roller coaster was so much fun.
Me and C.J. getting ready to ride the roller coaster. The heavier the weight you had the faster you went on this and at times it was kinda scary cause it felt like we were going to fly off the track but nonetheless it was my favorite part of the whole day.
Jaysa and Fred second daughter Lanna. Jaysa loved Fred's two oldest girls Lanna and Raven. She was always asking them to hold her and cudling on them like this. It was so cute!
Grandpa and Jaysa
Riding Rudolf on the carousel
Jaysa, Mom and Paisley going for a ride.
Dad and Jaysa coming down off the slide
She loved it!
You had to ride a ski lift to get to the top of the slide. This is us on the ski lift.
Taking a picture of our feet so you can see how high up were are.
They also had this jumping thing. It helped you jump really high so you could do double back flips....lots of fun. Sorry for the horrible explanation but I don't know what this thing is called.
Jaysa enjoying an ice cream cone up at the lodge
Grandma and Paisley
Family Picnic.
We also had a little picnic with a lot of our extended family from the area. I didn't get any pictures of cousins but here's C.J. and Calvin playing on the playground.
Calvin's idea of fun. Calvin loves it when the older boys in the family give him a ride like this.
C.J. taking Calvin up to the slide. MAJOR workout!
Calvin had so much fun.
C.J. and Calvin sliding down the slide.
While we were at the park Calvin went and stole someone's baseball glove and brought it to me like he wanted to play. Sometimes I really wonder what this kid is thinking.
So cute. Love this boy!
Jaysa eating her breakfast in the morning.
I WILL NOT drink my milk after eating cereal. My dad has been trying to get me to do this since I was a kid but I HATE milk. I put it in my cereal just to get it wet and I will even pour it out before I am done eat the cereal sometimes. Now that I have Jaysa I don't have to though. Drinking the milk at the end is Jaysa favorite part. When I am done with the cereal I just call Jaysa and she drinks my milk for me and loves every second of it!
Paisley snuggling her frog.
Jaysa and Paisley watching some kid song on the computer. Paisley loved it!
It was so nice to get to go back to Texas and see all of out family from their. It's been a year since we have seen some of them.
The Girls!!! Breklyn, Jaylie, Jaysa and Paisley
Kade and Jaysa on the horse
Do C.J. and I have an obesession with holding Paisley up in animals faces? ha ha
Paisley, Jaysa and Breklyn
Jaysa petting the little water turtles they have.
Not so interested in holding them though
Jaysa and Breklyn. These girls love each other so much!
I am so sad that we don't live closer because they have so much fun together
Paisley was really fascinated by the horse
Her trying to grab it's ear.
We were fortunate enough to be there during Jaylie's 5k fun run. I am so thankful that we got to be there for this. It was amazing to see all the supporters there were. There were a little over 800 people that signed up to run, and probably 1500 people that shoed up total in support of Jaylie.
They even went out of there way to have some of Jaylie's favorite things there. Jaylie Loves princesses. So they had two girls put on prom dresses and wear crowns. It was pretty cute. Here is Jaysa, Jaylie, Breklyn and two other girls with the princesses.
Another one of Jaylie's favorite things is Tweety Bird. This was a poor Tweety Bird costume but Jaysa loved it! She followed it around everywhere it went!
Even my family that lives in Austin came. Here's Aubrey and Alyssa. Love these girls!
Aubrey's girl Hailey and Jaysa kissing. Hailey was so cute. She would kiss anyone you told her to.
Wish I could have gotten a better picture of this but so cute anyway!
Holding hands
so sweet
Hailey, Jaysa and Paisley
Love Paisley's smile here
Aubery, Hailey Me, Jaysa and Paisley
Breklyn and Jaysa eating after the 5 k
C.J. ran the 5K in 21:54. He was hoping to beat his record time but said he ran out of gas at the end. He finished 2nd in his age group 13 seconds behind 1st. He was pretty bummed about that. He said if he would have known he would have pushed himself harder. I did not actually get to run. I had planned on it but I was getting kids situated and all of the sudden everyone took off and I didn't have a chip on my shoe and by that time there were no other adults to watch the babies. I was a little sad I didn't get to run but oh well what can ya do.
While we were there we also got to go the Sea world and do a lot of the behind the scenes stuff with Jaylie.
We got to go see the dolphins up close and personal.
Bob, Sandy, Kade and Kindra
Kajsa, crew, Kip, Breklyn and Jaylie
The whole family. Such a cool picture!
Feeding the dolphins
Jaysa and Breklyn sitting on a giant sea turtle stuffed animal. I love how they are holding hands
We also got to go see the penguins!
You cant tell but here is Paisley petting the penguin!
and Jaysa who was to chicken to touch any animal all day!
They also brought out this guy! This is a baby Emperor King penguin. The guy walked with it between his legs just it's parents would have.
Jaylie petting him. This thing was so soft. It's baby feathers were probably the softest thing I have ever felt in my entire life... no joke.
Paisley of course grabbing and pulling on the baby's fluff
Kip, Breklyn, C.J. and Jaysa outside the Shamoo show
We went and watched the show but I guess it's not as cool as it used to be since the trainers can't get in the water anymore.
We also got to see the whales up close!
Behind the scenes of the Shamoo Show
We also got to go see a bunch of birds. A lot of times, probably mostly in Texas, when you see tv shows having guest animals on the show this is the owl they take! I thought that was a cool bit of information.
Trying to keep the girls cool
Breklyn petting a wallabee.
Paisley again grabbed and pulled on this things fur and I was so scared it was going to turn around and nip her face right off! :)
Baby flamingos!
Everyone petting the flamingo.
Jaysa terrified of the bird.
These things were so cute! The second we walked in they would run up to us put their head down by their knees and continually run into your legs as you walked.
I knelt down and put my arm out and this little baby ran right into my arms. Can I keep him?!? This and the dolphins were by far my favorite part of the day.
Daddy kissing Paisley
Crew dog
Feeding the ducks
Paisley after waking up. Ha Ha
Jaysa has always loved all the animals the Ferguson's have at their house. They now have chicken's and Jaysa loved going out to see them. She knows what a chicken was but one day she came to me and said "I want to go see the Bac Bac things" ha ha so cute
Jaysa and the Chickens. Oh and another funny thing Jaysa said was when her and Nana were going out to feed the cows she said to Nana "the cows are freaking starving!" ha ha Wont be saying that word anymore!
As soon as we go buy another charger I will get the rest of the pictures from Texas up.
The second we got home I put panties on Jaysa and told her we were not allowed to wear diapers anymore. So far it's gone fairly well! It's been almost two weeks and hardly ever has any accidents!
Going #2 is hard sometimes cause it takes her a while so I put on a movie for her. ha ha
I am so proud of her! Can't wait till she has it down on the big toilet!
The girls at Costco
Paisley in goggles again, only this time you get a close up!
Ha Ha So funny!
Jaylie had her first Chemo treatment on the 18th of this month and did AMAZING! Kajsa said she just kept waiting for her to get sick but she never did!. All kids react differently to chemo. Fortunately this time Jaylie wasn't sick. She went in for another smaller dose of chemo this morning and is now off for the next 27 days before her next big chemo treatment. We are hoping and praying that she will have the same reaction for the rest of her treatments.
After finding out the results of the sleep study my parents were referred to a head and neck specialist at UCLA. My parents went down last week to see several doctors there and were given several treatment options. If they do not chose any of these options and don't do anything to Calvin the doctors said that he would have either a heart attack or stroke later on.
Option #1:
is to do a laser tongue reduction, remove the uvula plus other soft tissues around it and move a certain bone that is attached to the to forward. This option only offer a 50% chance that the problem will be fixed
Option #2:
Break the lower jar and then extend it using titanium plate and screws. This offers a 95% chance that the problem will be fixed
and Option 3:
is to do a tracheotomy, which is making an incision in the base of the neck and putting in a tube so that he would be breathing through that tube. This procedure offers a 100% of fixing the problem but is the least realistic for Calvin.
My parents have not yet decided what they are going to do but I will keep everyone posted. Thanks for looking!
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