Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's been about 3 months since my last post, which has been way too long! However, I am so happy to say that I AM NOW DONE WITH SCHOOL! I can't even believe it! It's been 2.5 LONG years of deadlines, trying to keep babies occupied and stress, and putting off all other hobbies, and other things I want to learn and do, but now I am finished! To be honest I NEVER thought I would ever have a Bachelors degree and I am kinda proud of myself for finishing up. After I had Jaysa I knew I had to go back. I didn't want to ever be put in the situation of having to provide for my children and not being able to. I think that this will be one of the most meaningful accomplishments to me. I also keep tucked away some where in the back of my mind the idea of getting my Masters degree but I will not even think about pull that out of the dark abyss until my children are in school. I have learned a lot about myself through this process. I have learned that i really enjoy writing (although my punctuation and spelling still suck) and that I am not stupid. In grade school I always thought I was one of the dumb ones in the class, which then became one of my biggest insecurities. Now I can look back and see that I was just lazy. Once I actually had a desire to be in school and actually put forth the effort I felt like I could take on any class. In the last 7 semesters I have made A's in every class except for 3. Two were summer courses and I was on vacation struggling to make myself turn in assignments and the other was my Psychological Statistics class. (I hate math and had to teach myself the material so I could not be more proud of that B). Last spring semester I started a list of things I want to do after I am done with school and it looks something like this;
Start scrap booking again
learn to french braid
learn to play the piano
try new recipes
Keep a journal
have 30 mins of learning time for Jaysa and Paisley everyday
Read more books
Read my kids the Book of Mormon
have new experiences
find new hobbies
learn to coupon shop
have more fun with my children
make a recipe book
learn to sing so I can sing with my husband
establish better spiritual habits
keep my house clean
Learn to redo furniture
Hang out with friends
Have more me time

It's been a long time since I have had so much free time and I don't even know what I want to start with first. All I can say is that I AM SO HAPPY TO BE DONE! Here comes the longest post ever!
C.J. and I were in the car driving in Vegas and saw a billboard that Sesame Street Live was coming to town. We both looked at each other and knew we had to take Jaysa so I went home and bought tickets for the three of us and here we are! Devin and Meghan and Camden also came with us. It was a blast!
My camera was having a hard time so some of these are a little blurry....sorry
Jaysa was so entertained the whole time! She never took her eyes off the stage.
Bert and Ernie singing a song
Devin Meghan and Camden
Meghan and Jaysa. These two have a special bond. I have never seen anything like it. As soon as Meghan walks in the door Jaysa is all over her and doesn't want to leave her. Jaysa loves her so much and would most of the time rather Meghan hold her than me! It's a little hard for me when she wants anyone over me but I am so grateful that she has such a close bond with her awesome aunt! I love Meghan. She is an amazing mom and obviously an amazing aunt! Thank you Meghan! Jaysa actually sat on Meghan's lap for a good part of the show.
The Stage
Mom, Dad and Jaysa
Mom and Jaysa. We matched so I wanted to take a picture.

Jaysa did her own makeup, can you tell? Jaysa loves makeup! After she comes to show me her masterpiece she always says "Come, look in the mirror" and wants me to come with her to took in the big mirror. This time she wanted me to take a picture of her too. She was so proud of herself and thought she looked so pretty.
My new contraption to keep Paisley's binky in! ha ha don't worry I only did it as a joke.
Jaysa with a bid stuck on her head
It made for a cute picture.
This is a cheerleading outfit for Dixie State College. Its supposed to fit a 1 year old but the skirt was so big that it didn't fit. Now that she is bigger the skirt fits nut the shirt doesn't! ha ha I also love Jaysa's facial expressions in this pics.
She looks so much older in these!

So cute!
My baby is growing up!

I bought bunch of these Littlest Petshops at a Garage sale and Jaysa LOVES them! She calls the her "boys"
She has so much fun playing with these guys
Jaysa actually had a double ear infection and was running a fever of almost 104 here. I wanted to get her moving around so I brought out this little tree house and the boys and she played with them for the rest of the day even though she was so sick
Crazy hair! I just took this picture because it showed how crazy Jaysa's hair can get!
Here is Paisley in Jaysa's little doll stroller. She fits perfect! She loved pushing her around with a little help from Mom and Dad of course.
She looks scared out of her mind! ha ha ha

C.J. had a recruiting trip down in Page, Arizona recently and took us with him. We stayed in the hotel for a good portion of the time but it was still lots of fun.
Just killin time

Went to go see Lake Powell and the Hoover Damn
Dad and Jaysa
The Hotel pool was still too cold to swim in but the hot tube was perfect! It felt like a warm bath tub.
Here's us trying to get a family picture. ha ha not easy
Paisley wasn't having it.

Finally got one.
Her beautiful girl!
Paisley Loved being in the water!
Love her!
By the way I think she is the cutest baby ever!
Miss Jaysa had a lot of fun too!
Of course Jaysa brought her boys!

She was making them swim into the drain system and kept making C.J. get them out.
my cute girl wearing Jaysa's sunglasses
She didn't know what to think
ha ha she kept making funny faces trying to get them off.

We were at my parents house the other day and I hear Jaysa yelling "Mom, I'm stuck!" So I come looking for her and this is what I find! She had the doors closed around her face a lot more and was just peeping out at me. Made me laugh.
Jaysa singing a song about "Santa comes to town and shake-a-da-booty" :) so funny
Paisley loves looking at herself in the mirror. Anytime she is cranky I can put her in front of the mirror and it will cheer her right up.

Our ward had a Father and Son's outting a little while ago and C.J. asked if he could come and bring Jaysa. They said yes so C.J. packed up the car and took Jaysa camping... sort of

Here is Jaysa all ready to go!
They slept in the back of the Durango so you can't really call it camping but they still had fun.
Jaysa all ready for bed.
C.J. kept telling Jaysa to smile and she kept making this goofy face.
Dad and Jaysa!
Ha ha LOVE this picture!
There's a cute smile

wow! ha ha look at that smile!
Good Morning!
Chips for breakfast.... just want mom would have given her :/

Our friends Matt and Katie came down from Idaho to visit us for a weekend. C.J and Matt grew up together in Texas and have been friends since they were young. It was so fun to have them here and we had a blast!
Swimming at the pool.
Katie and Caleb
Such a cute boy!
Katie, I know I was supposed to email you all of these pictures and I tried but I don't believe you got them all so here they are. Sorry it took so long to get all of them to you.
Matt and Caleb

Jaysa and C.J. hanging on the railing!

Caleb wearing Jaysa's princess shoes!
He loved them but his daddy didn't
Katie and I went Garage selling Saturday morning and she found these for Caleb.
The kids had so much fun playing with them

Caleb loved climbing up in Paisley's bouncy chair. He would stand in it like this and bounce himself! Pretty funny.

We also took the kids out to Staheli Farm to see all the animals

ok so it wasn't really this cold but I tried this hat on Jaysa and she loved it and didn't want to take it off.

They have all kinds of fun things for kids to do.

Swinging on the horse tire swings
The kids had a lot of fun on these swings

Such a fun idea
Sitting in the John Deere car
They also have lots of animals for the kids to look at...
or sit on...
or stand on!
I was so worried this pig was going to nibble one of Paisley's toes off!

Jaysa standing in front of the pig pen.
Jaysa hated sitting on the donkey and this goat
She preferred keeping her feet on the ground and just petting them
I so thought this llama was going to spit on C.J.
So of course when it doesn't he goes to get the babies to put them in the llama's face. He was actually pretty interested in the girls
Jaysa trying to feed it one strand of hey. ha ha
C.J. would put her really close to him and he would come sniff her face. :) it was pretty funny and Jaysa loved it
Heres a video of it.
Jaysa riding the goat

Paisley is moving to solids!
Well trying at least
Cute girl!
Jaysa with her butterfly net on her head. She always likes to bring this out and try to catch stuff. This time she came to me and said "Mom, look I catched my head!"
Our first big ouchie! She fell off the brick wall thats in our front yard.
Just some fun pictures of Paisley
funny face
Jaysa and Paisley hanging out in the Dora tent
Paisley hanging out in the bouncer
This is a picture we took when Paisley was laughing at Jaysa. I put the video up a while ago.

Every week while we garage sell I look for little thing I can send to our niece with braun cancer. I do my best to send her a package every week. This week we git her a Disney princess trivia game. We have a tradition (that C.J. hates) of testing the games out to make sure all the pieces are there and everything works.
Makeing sure the princess game works. Don't you love C.J's crown!?
Jaysa putting the crown on.

Byrin's high school volleyball team went to State this year so the family went to watch his game. You can't tell there is music playing in this video but here is Jaysa and Camden dancing to the music. I love the part when Camden really get into his dance. SO CUTE!

This is Jaysa doing the Starfall program and dancing to one of the songs. I LOVE Starfall! It's the reason Jaysa knows all the letters of the alphabet and all the sounds they make! It's perfect when it comes time to teach your kids!

Ok so I tried to upload the rest of my pictures but the thing said there is no more space so I will have to do the rest in another post! Thanks for looking!

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